Monday, August 24, 2009

Stained Glass Workshop

This past Saturday I took a Beginner's Stained Glass workshop. It was really fun, and I rather like making stained glass. I think Matt would love doing it too. Maybe he and I can go glass shopping next pay check.

First thing I had to do was pick one out of four patterns. I chose the most geometric cause I had a hunch that cutting glass would be harder than it seems.

Then I got to pick the colors I wanted to use. There were plenty of choices.

This machine is the grinder. Its used to take off the sharp edges and to help shape the pieces if they need little touch ups.

This is my final stained glass. The colors look really different when in a window and not. Kind of prefer the way it looks not in a window.

1 comment:

Allison said...

That's really cool.