Our house when we bought it had not been lived in for 4 or 5 years. That means 1. the inside of the house smelled atrocious and 2. the yard looked like the secret garden having not been tended for so many years. And a result of no. 2 is that our yard has had leaves and such decomposing on it for years and years. It is incredibly fertile and has more earth worms than most people would know what to do with. Matty and I decided (mostly I decided) that we wanted to have a vegetable garden. A month or two back I bought packets of seeds, then lost them, then found them again, then lost them again. And today I found them again. So I decided to make a quick project and get those seeds growing.

(ignore th paint on my hands. I have also been working on the house today)

When I opened the corn packet I don't know what I was expecting, but not raisin looking kernels.

Tomato seeds are probably my favorite out of the ones I planted. They remind me of really, really rediculously small bird eggs. I think anything in miniature is fun so these were a nice surprise.

Matt hates cucumbers. Unless of course they are in the form of pickles. I really enjoy cucumbers, on salads, as cucumber sandwiches, and also pickles. We may try pickling some if I get a good crop.

I needed a way to mark where I planted what, so I got toothpicks, tape, a sharpie and scissors and made my own mini markers. When we plant them out in the yard I'll have to find another way to mark what's what.
1 comment:
check these guys out... They are pretty stinkin cute and easy to make (and waterproof)
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