Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pear Preserves and Painting

My Sunday consisted of waking up too late to go to any of the 10:00 church services and not being able to find a local church with services at 11:00 to try out. I made my second batch of pear preserves, which was easier having had the experience of the first big batch. This batch turned out almost red while the first batch I made was closer to a dull caramel color.

I also started a painting.  It has been so long since I really worked on art, not a craft, not our home renovation... honest to goodness art.  It was kind of scary but also really exciting.  I'm doing a painting of a fawn.  It's pretty big, measuring in at 30"x40".  I feel like my style of painting has been lost.  I know though, that even if this one doesn't turn out how I'm imagining it, I still have about 15 canvases stock piled that I can keep painting on.  My friend Joannah and I talked about that while on one of our walks... how the hardest part sometimes of making art is not giving up after a bad piece, or two, or three.  Perseverance and practice.

This is what my art work area looks like.  It's in the living room by the big window and facing the tv.  I realized that if I don't have music or television going in the background I'm not going to be able to sit still long enough to paint anything.
I also watched more movies and Netflix than I should have in one day.  Revolution, Ghost Whisperer, and Cider House Rules for the first time.  I really enjoyed that movie.  I also started about four other movies but none of them held my interest.  Overall it was a pretty good day. 

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