Friday, February 19, 2016

30 before 30

One of my favorite blogs, Wit and Whistle is by a creative lady Amanda who makes a list each year of things to do by her birthday.  I was inspired to make my own list since I'll be 30 this year but I'm obviously starting a bit late with my birthday being in July.  I don't have 30 things on my list at the moment but as I think of things I'll continue to add it.

1. Highlights in hair
2. Try out 5 new hairstyles
3. Finish compiling "retro" playlist
4. Take boys to Buffalo Park
5. Go kayaking
6. Buy family bible
7. Take boys to drive in movie
8. Make eye of god
9. Send 5 postcards
10. Memorize 10 scripture
11. Make 3 new tank tops
12. Clean out closet
13. Read 3 books
14. Buy a new nail polish - Essie garden variety
15. Host a girls night
16. Make a portable loom
17. Paint pottery at Wet Paint or Fat Cat Cafe
18. Add new items to Matelia
19. Try a new recipe
20. Make butter
21. Go on a picnic
22. Get sno cones
23. Shop at an antique store or thrift store
24. Dye my purse to freshen it up

side note: I'm considering documenting things at Makers of Matelia but I don't know yet if I want it to be a personal/business blog or just business related.

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