Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Front of the House We Want to Renovate

This is a view from the back of the property looking through the trees to the back of the house.
This is the narrow bathroom on the hallway. We'll be tearing down some of the walls to the left where badly made pantries are now in the kitchen. Taking out the current yellow sink and putting in two pedestal sinks with two matching mirrors. Also taking out the yellow tub and putting in a nicer one. Real tiles on the floor, and a lovely color of paint.
This is the wall in the kitchen that the bathroom is on the other side of. The kitchen won't miss the couple extra feet. Instead of putting the pantry back, we'll be putting in a counter and cabinets.
This is the kitchen when you turn around. Obviously it's pretty rough. We'll be tearing out the current cabinets, putting the stove back where it was originally which is on the left side of this picture, then building new cabinets for the kitchen and putting nice ceramic tile down. I think this house will be unrecognizable when we finish. The room this is looking into is the front entry room. The door on the left goes into the kitchen. The door directly across from this archway is the hallway. Down it is the bathroom, linen closet, three bedrooms, and the extra bath in the master bedroom. . . . This video is the front of the house with all the trees. The ugly left side of the house will be bricked a few feet up from the bottom, all the brick on the house painted to one color, and siding put above the brick on the left. There will also be a new metal roof put on the house. There is a very large room in the house that really serves no purpose. It's on the far left end. While renovating it will be the work space. After we're mostly done, it will be made into a two car garage and storage space.

1 comment:

slc. said...

I can't wait until you post pictures of the renovation. This is so exciting! Funny thing, my Dad (and myself once I get back home from school) is sort of renovating something too...our camper! I'll be living in it some this summer in Cleveland and part of next semester. I've always wanted to live in the camper.