Friday, July 10, 2009

Serious Business Now

Now that I am officially living near Tupelo, the mission is to get a job. My bigger mission though, is for it to be doing something I love ie: art. So I will finally be keeping this thing updated and hopefully looking good, so people can see my work. It is a bit overwhelming trying to pull my art/life together to showcase. But I know I can do it. I have a lot of things I'm interested getting involved in. Firstly, Screenprinting! There is a cute little place in Mantachie that does screenprinting and I'm going to call up today to see if he needs an extra set of hands. Mine that is, I don't sell prosthetic hands. But I would like to sell my art. Kid's personalized things, block prints, watercolors, photography, drawings, house portraits, and so on and so forth. You get the point, there's a lot I want to do. I think I get too bored doing just one thing. So when I first post this there won't be any photos, but here's hoping I'll have loaded quite a few with narration by the end of the day. I decided I'd like to do a little weaving on cardboard so I headed to Hobby Lobby. Apparently the one in Tupelo's fabric is more expensive than othe locations, so I went next to walmart, sorted through their 1.50 a yard pile and found me some decent enough blue fabrics. When I got home, I cut it into a few long strips and cut off a box lid. Put 27 cuts in each end of the board, and started weaving. This is the weaving at the very beginning. It's refreshing to be working with my hands again. Meant to take pictures during the whole weaving process, but didn't. I need to get better at carrying my camera around with me. Here is the finished weaving. It's not funcional, but I really like how it turned out. If I could figure out how to market it, I would sell it on the etsy shop I'm going to open.
I feel more myself now that I'm working on art again.

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