Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Shower for Adalay

Last weekend, my sister Allison, my mom and I hosted a baby shower for our friend Crissy and her baby on the way, Adalay.  She has two boys already and has always wanted a girl, so we decided there was no such thing as too much pink.  We made the decorations pink and as much of the food as we could we used shades of pink or red.

Here is my pregnant sister Allison pouring ginger ale in the punch bowl with the raspberry sherbert.  The punch only had those two ingredients but it was delicious.

I had made Matty a tall cake for his birthday with 6" pans I bought at Walmart and decided to try and make an ombre cake for Adalay using the same pans.  I bought icing coloring in these small plastic containers and used them to tint the cake batter.  Apparently it doesn't take much to make a bright color.  I guess I was used to mixing paint which requires much more of the darker color.  Anyway, it still turned out pretty well in my opinion.  I also made a mini banner for the cake out of scrap book paper, skewers, and string.

We decided to make a clothes line to display the clothes we'd bought for baby Adalay.  Used some brown chording and clothes pins I had on hand.

I had seen on A Cup of Jo where she made ombre ballons for a party and decided I wanted to give it a try for this shower.  It was a bit harder to track down different shades of pink than I thought it would be, but I still think it turned out pretty cute.

 As far as food, we had mini fruit pizzas, strawberries stuffed with cheesecake, cucumber sandwiches, pink popcorn, cake, peanuts, white cheddar cheezits, and raspberry punch.  A few of the ideas were from pinterest.  Here is the board I made for the shower.  My family is kind of known for their fruit pizzas.  I think I ate at least 5 of them, if not more.

It was a lot of fun pulling all this together.  Glad I get to do another one in a few months for my sister, and help with one in July for my friend Amanda from the Montessori school and the farm.

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