Saturday, March 3, 2012

Brooklyn to West

I am currently obsessed with reading every last post from this blog.  Ariele makes the most incredible pieces of art/furniture out of reclaimed wood.  She is who I would want to be if I weren't afraid of losing a finger or an entire hand by way of power tools.  Here are some photos of my favorites with the links to her site.

This is what she collected from a trip to the beach at a Bay of Dead Horses in New York, I think.  It looks exactly like some of the collections of junk/treasures I have collected over the years.  Also makes me want to take a photograph of all my pretties and get it printed on a grand scale.

These are doors she made for a window seat.  Here is the post with the finished product. So breath-takingly beautiful.  She has made me rethink the way I wanted to do the dining room table.  Maybe that project will be my first try at woodworking.

There is an entire wall in her studio/workshop that she covered in eucalyptus leaves in an incredible pattern.  This is exactly how tedious and detail oriented I get sometimes.

She also sells things, cheese boards, headboards, tables.  Check out her shop.

1 comment:

HalesNoels said...

That's some pretty awesome stuff right there. I want to see more of YOUR stuff too! Like your headboard, your grass cloth, all that stuff.