Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Now that's what I call progress

My husband and I have been renovating our house for almost 2 years now.  I'm going to be honest; this process has been rather unpleasant.  I had no idea, I mean, absolutely no clue, how much goes into the building or remodeling of a home.  When we started the process, I was oblivious to the fact that walls went up in different pieces.  I didn't realize what went into mudding and sanding, priming and painting.  I had never layed tile, grouted, torn up brick.  Didn't know what a pain it would be to scrape 3 bedrooms worth of carpet padding and glue off of our concrete floors with a one inch blade.  The hours upon hundreds of hours we have put into this house, doing nearly everything ourselves still kind of blows my mind.  But it is so nice to be able to look at pictures, like the ones below and feel that sense of accomplishment.  I think I forget sometimes how far we have really come, because we've been living in this reno since the get-go.  Anyway, Matt and I are truly blessed to have such a beautiful home now and proud of the work we've put into it.

(This room still isn't finished, but I need the reminder that we're finally getting there so I wanted to post it anyway)

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